Is Senegal on the Right Track to Achieve its NDC Commitments?

Image: Getty, John Wessels/AFP
Image: Getty, John Wessels/AFP

This paper assesses the extent to which Senegal’s macroeconomic policy actions both during and after the COVID-19 pandemic have been in line with its commitments to its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targets.


  • Senegal has made good progress in improving its energy mix by increasing the share of renewable energy.
  • It still has inadequate access to climate finance compared to the implementation needs of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), although the country has developed considerable experience in international climate finance.
  • Recent discoveries of oil and gas are calling into question the country’s climate commitments to green energy.
  • The absence of operational monitoring and evaluation and measurement reporting and verification systems means that there is no transparency in terms of the country’s progress on its NDC commitments.
  • Sectoral policies should be more aligned with NDC commitments to bolster progress made on climate action.
The views expressed in this publication/article are those of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).