G20 Documents

This section contains four categories of G20 documents that have been published since the inception of the G20. They provide a comprehensive view of the G20’s work, its priorities and ongoing efforts to address global challenges through multilateral cooperation.

G20 South Africa Presidency Concept Note

Summit/Leaders Declarations

These are formal statements issued at the conclusion of G20 Leaders’ Summits, where heads of state and government from the G20 member countries come together to discuss global economic issues and other pressing international challenges. These declarations encapsulate the collective views, commitments, and agreements reached by the G20 leaders; and they often set the agenda for international cooperation going forward.

  • All
  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • China
  • France
  • Germany
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Korea
  • Turkey
  • United Kingdom
  • United States of America

G20 Leaders Declaration – Washington 2008

United States of America
/ Leaders Declaration

Working Group Outcome Reports

These reports are the product of G20 working groups, which focus on specific policy areas such as finance, development or digitalisation. The outcome reports summarise the deliberations, findings and recommendations made by these working groups, often contributing to the decisions presented in the summit declarations. These reports provide detailed analysis and serve as important reference documents for policymakers and experts involved in global governance.

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Chairs’ Summaries

Chairs’ summaries are prepared by the host country or the chairperson of specific G20 meetings. They offer a concise overview of the discussions, key takeaways and decisions made during meetings of G20 ministers, working groups or expert panels. While not as binding as summit declarations, these summaries provide valuable insights into the consensus-building process within the G20 and highlight the major themes and issues raised during these gatherings.

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Accountability Reports

These are formal statements issued at the conclusion of G20 Leaders’ Summits, where heads of state and government from the G20 member countries come together to discuss global economic issues and other pressing international challenges. These declarations encapsulate the collective views, commitments, and agreements reached by the G20 leaders; and they often set the agenda for international cooperation going forward.

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