External research on Chinese lending to Africa

SAIIA is proud to be a repository of research on Chinese lending to Africa, produced by the US-based China-Africa Research Initiative. This research aims to enhance the understanding of the economic and political dimensions of China-Africa relations.

Elevating ESG: Empirical Lessons on Environmental, Social and Governance Implementation of Chinese Projects in Africa
China-Africa Relations

Elevating ESG: Empirical Lessons on Environmental, Social and Governance Implementation of Chinese Projects in Africa

China’s Africa strategy is shifting from extraction to investment – driven from the industry-rich Hunan region
China-Africa Relations

China’s Africa Strategy is Shifting from Extraction to Investment – Driven from the Industry-Rich Hunan Region

China-Africa Relations

New Trends in Chinese Infrastructure Lending to Africa

China-Africa Relations

How Zambia and China Co-Created a Debt ‘Tragedy of the Commons’

China-Africa Relations

China’s Digital Silk Road in Africa and the Future of Internet Governance

China-Africa Relations

Convergence and Divergence in Emerging Donor Finance: A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and Indian Exim Banks in Ethiopia

China-Africa Relations

International Development Lending and Global Value Chains in Africa

China-Africa Relations

Chinese International Contractors in Africa: Structure and Agency

China-Africa Relations

Do Chinese Infrastructure Loans Promote Entrepreneurship in African Countries?

China-Africa Relations

Development Finance and Distributive Politics: Comparing Chinese and World Bank Finance in sub-Saharan Africa

China-Africa Relations

Private Security Companies in Kenya and the Impact of Chinese Actors

China-Africa Relations

Laying the Tracks: The Political Economy of Railway Development in Ethiopia’s Railway Sector and Implications for Technology Transfer

China-Africa Relations

What is the Real Story of China’s “Hidden Debt”?

China-Africa Relations

Zambia’s Chinese Debt in the Pandemic Era

China-Africa Relations

Twenty Years of Data on China’s Africa Lending

China-Africa Relations

Private Security Companies in Kenya and The Impact of Chinese Actors

China-Africa Relations

Railpolitik: Ethiopia’s Rail Ambitions and Chinese Development Finance

China-Africa Relations

How Zambia and China Co-Created a Debt ‘Tragedy of the Commons’