SAIIA Western Cape

School Quizzes

We run interschool quizzes in the Western Cape each year focusing on local and international current events.

South Africa is playing an increasingly important role in global relations. The Quiz is part of the South African Institute of International Affairs’ ongoing programme to cultivate awareness among our younger citizens of the importance of South Africa’s foreign relations.  We hope to stimulate interest that will inspire learners to take an active role in foreign affairs in the future.

We began this programme in 1993, out of a hope to see all young South Africans involved in the future of the nation’s international affairs

The quizzes encourage learners to be critical thinkers so that they are able to relate global events to the South African context. We also offer quiz tutoring programmes to teach learners how to digest news and current affairs.

The Western Cape Branch of the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) is organising their 28th Annual Interschool Quiz.  This year, for the first time, we held this quiz online.  


To find out more contact our Western Cape branch: