Soybean Market Value Chain Profile

Image: Flickr, Toshiyuki IMAI
Image: Flickr, Toshiyuki IMAI


Combination of quantitative data and qualitative research.

Research Objective

Provide an overview of supply and demand trends of soybean production and processing in South Africa.


  • Soybean production in South Africa has more than tripled over the period of observation (2003 – 2013). During this period, production outstripped domestic consumption, allowing for export opportunities.
  • Soybean production geared towards oil and oilcake, animal feed and human consumption – crushed soybean (oil/oilcake) have seen an increase in demand, while processing for feed and human consumption has been fairly consistent.

Policy Recommendations

  • Two key factors influencing production includes weather conditions and land allocated to soybean production.
  • Increase in domestic processing capacity can lead to increase in domestic demand, and as a result more crops geared towards soybean production.
  • Marketing infrastructure plays a key role in boosting production and exports.
  • Production of relatively minor commodities are centred around key export hubs.
  • As soybeans (and soybean-products) increase in popularity, there are increasing SPS measures adopted by countries (which can often act as NTBs, restricting trade flows).
18 Apr 2017




United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research


Botswana, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe