Engaging with the G20: African Union’s Membership and Homegrown Solutions

Image: Getty, Amanuel Sileshi / AFP
Image: Getty, Amanuel Sileshi / AFP

You are invited to a panel discussion co-hosted by Development Reimagined and South African Institute of International Affairs to explore modalities of G20 engagement and cooperation, drawing on the BRICS perspectives and fostering collaboration among African stakeholders.

The G20, comprising 19 countries and the European Union, represents over 80% of the global GDP and 75% of global trade. It is a critical platform for discussing economies and developing solutions to economic crises, making it the economic and financial ‘security council’. However, despite Africa’s position as the eighth-largest economy globally, with a collective GDP of US$3.1 trillion and a population of 1.3 billion, the African region remains underrepresented in the G20. This underrepresentation hampers Africa’s ability to influence decisions that significantly impact its economic and financial landscape.

As Africa seeks to enhance its agency within the G20, the upcoming BRICS Summit, scheduled from 22 to 24 August in South Africa, offers a timely opportunity for discussion. The BRICS, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, is not only a platform for emerging economies’ cooperation but also noteworthy as all BRICS countries are G20 members.

This convergence creates a prime opportunity to explore modalities of G20 engagement and cooperation, drawing on the BRICS perspectives and fostering collaboration among African stakeholders.

Moreover, it is anticipated that the BRICS countries will make a compelling case for the African Union’s (AU) inclusion in the G20 during the upcoming G20 Summit in India, scheduled for September.


  • Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki, CEO, African Union Development Agency
  • Dr. Malancha Chakrabart, Senior Fellow and Deputy Director (Research), Observer Research Foundation
  • Professor David Monyae, Associate Professor of Political Science & International Relations, Director of the Centre for Africa – China Studies (CACS)
  • Dr. Adeoye O. Akinola, Head of Unit: African Union Studies, Institute for Pan-African Thought and Conversation
  • Ms. Sara Hamouda, SDGs and Agenda 2063 Expert, APRM Secretariat

We look forward to your attendance and participation. 

21 Aug 2023