Gustavo de Carvalho

Can BRICS create a new world order?

More than 40 countries have expressed interest in joining the five-nation BRICS group. But to challenge the US-led global hierarchy, the BRICS first need to overcome internal fissures. In this interview with Al Jazeera, SAIIA’s Senior Researcher Gustavo De Carvalho says ‘the de-dollarisation initiatives of the BRICS, as a group, are not aimed at replacing the dollar but at creating alternatives to facilitate bilateral trade in local currencies’.

SAIIA’s leading experts are available for interviews in person or virtually. We can also arrange for press to conduct interviews on-site at our headquarters in Johannesburg or at our Cape Town office.
The views expressed are those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the views of the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).

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Gustavo de Carvalho

Gustavo de Carvalho
Francois Pretorius
Gustavo de Carvalho