Highlights from the T20 Brazil Midterm Conference

Image: Andre Telles
Image: Andre Telles

The T20 Brazil Midterm Conference was held on 2 to 3 July 2024 in Rio de Janeiro.

This event brought together representatives from national and international think tanks, academia, the public and private sectors and civil society to discuss pressing global challenges

A key highlight of the conference was the submission of the T20 Communiqué to the G20 sherpas during a meeting on 4 July. This marks the first time that the T20 Communiqué was delivered before the drafting of the G20 Leaders’ Declaration, allowing for an opportunity to influence the leaders’ negotiations and the development of the Declaration.

The T20 is one of the G20’s 13 official Engagement Groups, bringing together international think tanks and research centres from member countries and invited guests. Its main objective is to produce, debate, consolidate and present policy recommendations to the leaders of the G20.

The actionable recommendations in the T20 Communiqué are derived from over 300 policy briefs, which were submitted, peer-reviewed, and approved by the six task forces established by Brazil’s T20 organising committee. Think tanks from G20 countries contributed to these policy briefs. The South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), along with other Think 20 Africa members, also played a key role in producing several of them. Through this collaborative process, think tanks and civil society have the opportunity to inform the G20 decision-making process.

The Communiqué includes several policy proposals pertinent to the African continent. Some of the recommendations could potentially shape the agenda of South Africa’s G20 Presidency in 2025 and that of the African Union.

  • Read the T20 Communiqué here

The conference also featured six thematic panels that focused on issues outlined by T20 Brazil Task Forces, such as combating inequalities, hunger, and poverty, sustainable climate action and energy transition, inclusive digital transformation, reform of the international financial architecture, international trade and investments. SAIIA Chief Executive Elizabeth Sidiropoulos moderated the panel on multilateralism and global governance. Insights from these discussions reflected the content of the T20 Communiqué.

Image: Andre Telles

During the mid-term meeting, there was also a convergence dialogue between the Think 20 and the Civil 20, where a joint statement was issued focusing on the global economy, climate change, and digitalisation.

For more information, visit t20brasil.org

16 Jul 2024