‘The meaning of Brexit’ (and the underlying currents in Europe around it)


The South African Institute of International Affairs, Western Cape Branch cordially invites you to a Speaker's meeting to be addressed by Robert Jackson on 'The meaning of Brexit' (and the underlying currents in Europe around it).

Robert Jackson will deconstruct Brexit against the interrelated problems of democracy, sovereignty and legitimacy posed by the attempt to create a would-be democratic “European Federation”.

Robert Jackson was born in South Africa (1946). After Oxford he went into British politics, in which he served as a Member of the first directly elected European Parliament (1979-84) and as an MP (1983-2005), including a time as Minister for Higher Education and Science. He was also a Minister in the Thatcher government. He is a former editor of “The Round Table” and of the Chatham House journal, “International Affairs”. He and his wife (also a former MEP, 1984-2010) are regular visitors to the Cape, where they have a home.

Entrance for non-members is R40 or R20 on presentation of a current student identity card.



28 Feb 2018 – 28 Feb 2018