Celebrating Three Decades of India-South Africa Relations

Celebrating Three Decades of India-South Africa Relations
Image: Getty, MicroStockHub

Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses – South African Institute of International Affairs Virtual Bilateral Dialogue

Both India and South Africa have a long history of working together by coordinating their views and efforts in institutions of global governance and multilateral fora, to achieve greater autonomy and ensure that the agenda of the ‘Global South’ is prioritised. In many instances, South Africa and India have voiced their support for democratic reforms and for expanding both permanent and non-permanent of the UN Security Council.

Both countries also work closely together in multilateral fora like the BRICS, G20, IBSA, and IORA. With about a quarter of the world’s countries and over 1.2 billion population, discussions about a new world order or new governance rules must include Africa. The inclusion of the African Union (AU) as a permanent member of the G20 in September 2023 under the Indian Presidency reflects the critical role that African nations will play in India’s quest for ‘reformed multilateralism’.

Join Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA) and the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) for a virtual bilateral dialogue to discuss ways in which both countries can collaborate in multilateral fora on issues such as debt sustainability, climate change, green transitions, and peace and security.

Download the event programme.

We look forward to your attendance and participation.

13 Mar 2024