The War in Ukraine, Geopolitics and South Africa’s Search for Meaning

Image: Getty, Rodger Bosch/AFP
Image: Getty, Rodger Bosch/AFP

Our Western Cape branch invites you to a speakers meeting with Professor Abel Esterhuyse, professor in the Department of Strategic Studies in the Faculty of Military Science, Stellenbosch University at the South African Military Academy.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the war has progressed through several phases. At a military level, armed forces and staff colleges around the world are studying the war in great detail. Major interstate war, it seems, had not become the relic of the past that many predicted it to be in the last thirty years.  At a regional level, the war in Ukraine had a fundamental impact on the security of Europe and the thinking within the continent about its relations with its neighbours to the east.  In reality, Russia’s strategic perception is shaped by the war at two levels: an immediate and direct conflict with Ukraine; and a long-term metaphysical war with the “West”. In orchestration of both the war in Ukraine and the metaphysical war with the West, the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, brought geopolitical alignments around the world into sharp focus; reminiscent of the Cold War period that was fundamental in shaping his Weltanschauung.

The discussion aims to provide an outline of the unfolding of the war in Ukraine; its fundamental impact on Europe and the West; and important geopolitical shifts brought about by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This ought to provide a broad framework to also reflect on South Africa’s response to the war and its geostrategic positioning because of the war.

Download the speaker’s bio


  • Entrance is free for SAIIA members.
  • Visitors pay R80; students pay R20.


Refreshments will be served before the event.

We look forward to your attendance and participation.

4 Apr 2023 – 4 Apr 2023