What types of partnerships are necessary to achieve the SDGs?

Image: Getty, Jamie McCarthy
Image: Getty, Jamie McCarthy

SAIIA, the Network on Southern Think Tanks (NeST), and the Institute for Global Dialogue invite you to a webinar that will examine the collective action and partnerships required to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa.

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only resulted in a health crisis for many countries, but also led to an economic crisis that will also be exacerbated by the ecological crisis brought by climate change. This will challenge the ability of the global community to meet the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially when taking into account that during the pandemic human development indicators have either stagnated or gone backwards for the first time since the human development report was published. At a time when multilateral institutions are under growing pressure to deliver on their respective mandates, it will be important to rethink many of the global partnerships needed to achieve Agenda 2030 in a development landscape that can be characterized as showing signs of contested collaboration. 

Drawing from the Handbook of Development Cooperation for Achieving the 2030 Agenda the Africa chapter of NeST will be hosting a webinar to unpack the type of collective action needed to ensure that the decade of action leading up to 2030 is characterized by dynamic development partnerships at the national, regional, and global levels. While centered in Africa, the webinar draws on perspectives from the various regions of the global South and global North.

Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki CEO of AUDA-NEPAD will deliver keynote remarks followed by a moderated discussion with Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi (Research and Information Systems for Developing Countries (TBC)), Ms. Sara Hamouda (APRM Secretariat), and Dr. Stephen Klingebiel (DIE). This webinar will be moderated by Dr. Philani Mthembu  (Institute for Global Dialogue and member of NeST-Africa).

For enquiries, please email Ms. Luanda Mpungose at Luanda.mpungose@wits.ac.za – Outreach and Partnership Manager at SAIIA. 

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18 Nov 2021