External research on Chinese lending to Africa

SAIIA is proud to be a repository of research on Chinese lending to Africa, produced by the US-based China-Africa Research Initiative. This research aims to enhance the understanding of the economic and political dimensions of China-Africa relations.

China-Africa Relations

China’s Digital Silk Road in Africa and the Future of Internet Governance

China-Africa Relations

Chinese Resource-Backed Infrastructure Financing Investments: Comparing Governance in Guinea and Ghana

China-Africa Relations

A Comparative Analysis: Chinese and Indian Exim Bank Finance in Ethiopia

China-Africa Relations

International Development Lending and Global Value Chains in Africa

China-Africa Relations

Understanding the Structural Sources of Chinese International Contractors’ Market Power in Africa

China-Africa Relations

Do Chinese Infrastructure Loans Promote Entrepreneurship in African Countries?

China-Africa Relations

Development Finance and Distributive Politics: Comparing Chinese and World Bank Finance in sub-Saharan Africa

China-Africa Relations

Comparing the Effects of Chinese and Traditional Official Finance on State Repression and Public Demonstrations in Africa

China-Africa Relations

Challenging Pax Americana: The Commercial Imperative in Chinese Arms Exports to Africa — A Case Study of Uganda and Kenya

China-Africa Relations

Development, Security, and China’s Evolving Role in Mali

China-Africa Relations

Debt Relief with Chinese Characteristics

China-Africa Relations

China, Africa, and The Rest: Recent Trends in Space Science, Technology, and Satellite Development

China-Africa Relations

Logics of Arms Deals: Multilevel Evidence from China-Zambia Relations

China-Africa Relations

‘Africa’s China’: Chinese Manufacturing Investments in Nigeria in the Post-Oil Boom Era and Channels for Technology Transfer

China-Africa Relations

Chinese Medical Teams: Knowledge Transfer in Ethiopia and Malawi

China-Africa Relations

The Footprint of Chinese Private Security Companies in Africa

China-Africa Relations

African Military Aircraft Procurement from China: A Case Study from Zambia

China-Africa Relations

‘Africa’s China’: Chinese Manufacturing Investment in Nigeria in the Post-Oil Boom Era and Channels for Technology Transfer