External research on Chinese lending to Africa

SAIIA is proud to be a repository of research on Chinese lending to Africa, produced by the US-based China-Africa Research Initiative. This research aims to enhance the understanding of the economic and political dimensions of China-Africa relations.

China-Africa Relations

Do China-Financed Dams in Sub-Saharan Africa Improve the Region’s Social Welfare? A Case Study of the Impacts of Ghana’s Bui Dam

China-Africa Relations

Chinese Manufacturing Investments and Knowledge Transfer: A Report from Ethiopia

China-Africa Relations

Chinese Manufacturing Investments and Knowledge Transfer: A Report from Ethiopia

China-Africa Relations

The Impact of Chinese Investment on Skill Development and Technology Transfer in Zambia and Malawi’s Cotton Sector

China-Africa Relations

Local Skill Development from China’s Engagement in Africa: Comparative Evidence from the Construction Sector in Ghana

China-Africa Relations

The Impact of Chinese Investment on Skill Development and Technology Transfer in Zambia and Malawi’s Cotton Sector

China-Africa Relations

Local Skill Development from China’s Engagement in Africa: Comparative Evidence from the Construction Sector in Ghana

China-Africa Relations

Export, Employment, or Productivity? Chinese Investments in Ethiopia’s Leather and Leather Product Sectors

China-Africa Relations

Comparing the Determinants of Western and Chinese Commercial Ties with Africa

China-Africa Relations

Disasters While Digging: Rates of Violence Against Mine Workers in Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, and Zambia

China-Africa Relations

The Blind Spot: International Mining in Angoche and Larde, Mozambique

China-Africa Relations

Wealth from Waste? Chinese Investments and Technology Transfer in the Tanzanian Plastic Recycling Industry

China-Africa Relations

Lessons from East Asia: Comparing Ethiopia and Vietnam’s Early-Stage Special Economic Zone Development

China-Africa Relations

Do China-Financed Dams in Sub-Saharan Africa Improve the Region’s Social Welfare? A Case Study of the Impacts of Ghana’s Bui Dam

China-Africa Relations

Assessing Chinese Manufacturing Investments in East Africa: Drivers, Challenges, and Opportunities

China-Africa Relations

Comparing the Determinants of Western and Chinese Development Finance Flows to Africa

China-Africa Relations

China-Britain-Uganda: Trilateral Development Cooperation in Agriculture

China-Africa Relations

Work, Employment, and Training Through Africa China Cooperation Zones: Evidence from the Eastern Industrial Zone in Ethiopia