SAIIA participates in the BRICS Academic Forum


The 2024 BRICS Academic Forum, held in Moscow from May 22-24, 2024, brought together over 200 experts to discuss the evolving global order and the role of BRICS in shaping it. Representing the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), Alex Benkenstein, Programme Head of the Climate and Natural Resources Programme, and Gustavo de Carvalho, Senior Researcher at the African Governance and Diplomacy Programme, actively contributed to these discussions.

The forum’s theme, “BRICS: New Figures on the Global Chessboard,” highlighted the group’s increasing influence in global governance. Key topics included the inadequacy of the current international order to address global crises and the rise of a multipolar world. Discussions centred on the need for new frameworks to manage challenges such as climate change, pandemics, and geopolitical tensions more effectively.

A significant focus was on the recent expansion of BRICS, with many advocating for a gradual and inclusive integration of new members to ensure alignment in development strategies. This expansion is seen as crucial for enhancing BRICS’ ability to tackle global problems and promote a fairer international financial system.

SAIIA’s participation underscored South Africa’s commitment to these objectives, reflecting on the importance of fostering inclusive global governance and cooperation among BRICS nations, particularly regarding cooperation on climate and the just energy transition, considering implications for South Africa and Africa more broadly. The forum provided a platform for sharing innovative ideas and formulating policy recommendations, which will be presented at the upcoming BRICS Summit in Kazan in October.

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