Santos Bila
Dissertation Title: Essays on industrialisation, the global value chain and environmental quality in Africa. University: University of Johannesburg Institution: SAIIA
Daouda Thiam
Dissertation Title: Impact of improved cookstoves on empowerment and gender sensitive environmental disaster risk reduction. University: Gaston Berger University of Saint-Louis (UGB) Institution: Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rural (IPAR)
Salavi Comlan Apollinaire-Fabrice
Dissertation Title: Life, Labor and Legacy: The Economic Cost of Migrants’ Returning University: African School of Economics Institution: African School of Economics (ASE)
Edafe Oluwatosin Deborah
Dissertation Title: Large-scale Agricultural Land Investments, Household Livelihood and Food Security in Nigeria. University: Covenant University, Nigeria Institution: Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa (CSEA)
Emmanuel Keith Kisaame
Dissertation Title: Welfare Effects of Privately Managed Cash Transfers on Refugee Children in Uganda. University: Makerere University Institution: Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE)
Abeid Mzee Farahani
Dissertation Title: External Debt Dynamics and its effect on Economic Growth. An empirical evidence in Tanzania. University: University of Dar es Salaam Institution: The Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF)