Moscow’s Continent: The Principles of Russia’s Africa Policy Engagement

Image: Flickr, GovernmentZA
Image: Flickr, GovernmentZA

Russia’s global interests have become increasingly dependent on Africa. Its foreign policy on the continent centres on three themes: pursuing alternative economic partnerships, seeking geopolitical leverage and promoting multipolarity.


  • There is an evident opportunistic factor in Russia’s projecting interest and power in any region where it notices an opening.
  • To grow its presence in the global arena and diversify its economic relations, Russia has been trying to increase its investments in Africa and establish partnerships with African states.
  • Although Russia is no longer a superpower, it still has considerable sway in Africa. It has been seeking to strengthen relations with African states to increase its geopolitical leverage, primarily with the West.
  • African countries and Russia usually share a normative vision of a multipolar world where the voices of neglected African nations will be heard and powers such as Russia will have a seat at the table.

Édition française

Le continent de Moscou : Les principes de l’engagement de la Russie dans la politique africaine

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This content features on the G20 Resource Centre.

17 Mar 2023