Systemic Innovations for Critical Minerals in SADC: Draft Strategic Framework

Systemic Innovations for Critical Minerals in SADC Draft Strategic Framework
Image: Getty, Emmet Livingstone/AFP

Africa can position itself as a key player in the global green technology revolution and ensure a resource-balanced approach to economic development, environmental sustainability and social well-being.


  • Unlocking the potential of critical minerals in Southern Africa: This special report delves into the critical minerals sector in the SADC region, addressing the pressing need for strategic approaches to harness the economic, technological and sustainable benefits of these valuable resources.
  • Navigating challenges and seizing opportunities: As global demand for critical minerals surges, the report offers insights into the evolving landscape of mining these essential elements. It examines key drivers of change, including increased competition, renewable energy demand and the urgency of climate action.
  • Strategic framework for preferred futures: The report outlines a comprehensive draft strategic framework aimed at shaping the future of critical minerals in the SADC region. It focuses on five pivotal priorities, from investing in geological surveying capacities to embedding anticipatory governance, enabling governments and stakeholders to navigate challenges effectively.
  • Anticipatory governance and systemic innovations: With a forward-looking approach, the report emphasises the importance of anticipatory governance and systemic innovations. By anticipating trends and uncertainties, policymakers and industry players can proactively address emerging challenges and capitalise on opportunities.
  • Balancing economic prosperity and sustainability: Recognising the need for a balanced approach, the report explores strategies to ensure economic prosperity while prioritising environmental sustainability and social inclusivity. It highlights the potential of advancing the circular economy and innovative financial models to achieve fair trade and responsible mineral resource management.
  • Pathways to green technology leadership: By embracing the outlined strategies, the SADC region can position itself as a leader in the global green technology revolution. The report envisions a future where critical minerals drive sustainability transitions through the resource-balanced economy to enable climate-resilient communities.
  • A call to collaborative action: The report serves as a call to action for policymakers, industry stakeholders and the international community to collaborate and implement the recommended strategic priorities. It provides a roadmap for creating alternative futures of critical minerals where mining contributes to economic wellbeing, technological advancement and more sustainable, inclusive futures for Southern Africa.
The views expressed in this publication/article are those of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).