SAJIA Vol 30.4 Explores Qatar, Türkiye and the Muslim Brotherhood in the Mena Region, and More

SAJIA Volume 30.4 is now live
Image: Getty, Andrew Matthews

The latest issue of the South African Journal of International Affairs includes several articles on varied topics, including one on the formation of the alliance between Qatar, Türkiye and the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East and North African region.

SAJIA Volume 30.4 is now available on the Taylor & Francis website. The issue includes several articles on varied topics. One article, by Khayrullin and Korotayev, considers the formation of the alliance between Qatar, Türkiye and the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East and North African region. The article argues that, despite the rise of the counterweight Saudi-Emerati alliance, Doha and Ankara continue to play an important role in the region, including the mediation role of Qatar in the context of the renewed conflict between Hamas and Israel. Other articles consider the role of tradable service exports in the South African economy; a call for alignment in Africa’s climate, agriculture and food security policies; lapses in West Africa’s regional security architecture; a historical look at the relationship between The Gambia and the British Commonwealth; and the challenges of the UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy in peacekeeping operations in the DRC. The issue also includes three book reviews.

Research Articles

Strengthening the integration of Africa’s climate, agriculture and food systems through enhanced policy coherence            

By Romy Chevallier

The roots of the Turkish-Qatari-Ikhwani alliance and its activities in North Africa and the Middle East

By Timur R Khayrullin and Andrey V Korotayev

Exploring lapses in West Africa’s security architecture and their implications for regional security

By Ebimboere Seiyefa

Recognising the role of tradable service exports in the South African economy – An untapped resource?

By Justin Visagie and Ivan Turok

The golden, tumultuous and normalising eras in the Gambia-UK and Commonwealth relations

By Muhammed Lenn

Sukola II Operations in The Democratic Republic of Congo: A review of the observance of human rights due diligence policy     

By Jacob Lisakafu

Book Reviews

Illicit Money: Financing Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century, by Jessica Davis

Reviewed by Sven Botha

Rich State, Poor State: Why Some Countries Succeed and Others Fail, By Greg Mills and Ray Hartle

Reviewed by Laura-Jane Watkins

Mobility, Mobilization and Counter/Insurgency: The Routes of Terror in an African Context, by Daniel E. Agbiboa

Reviewed by Anthoni Van Nieuwkerk

The views expressed in this publication/article are those of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).

This content features on the G20 Resource Centre.

4 Apr 2024