SAIIA Chief Executive to serve on High-Level UN Advisory Board

Image: Nicky
Image: Nicky

SAIIA is delighted to announce that its Chief Executive Elizabeth Sidiropoulos has been appointed to serve a two-year term on the United Nations High-level Advisory Board on Economic and Social Affairs (HLAB-II).

In a world grappling with the devastating fallout from COVID-19, the board aims to provide focused guidance and recommendations to respond to current and future challenges in overcoming the pandemic in an inclusive manner. Its priorities include addressing inequalities, improving digital cooperation, ensuring sustainable financing and boosting partnerships.

The board’s expertise “will play a crucial role in supporting these efforts by providing effective guidance to the Secretary-General and spearheading the research and policy analysis work of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs,” according to the department’s Under-Secretary-General Liu Zhenmin.

Sidiropoulos said that it was a great honour to be serving on the HLAB-II at this crucial time for sustainable development across the world: “The COVID-19 pandemic has set back many developing countries in their path to attain the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. It has exacerbated inequalities and illustrated the negative developmental impact of ‘digital exclusion’. This has made it even more urgent that the world works together to achieve Agenda 2030. Political commitment, innovation and cooperation will be key”.