SAIIA joins Think 20 Summit to present recommendations to G20 leaders

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SAIIA will be participating in the T20 Summit in Argentina from 16 to 18 September.

You will be able to watch some of the debates live at this link and follow the hashtags #T20Africa #T20Argentina.

SAIIA is also co-chair of the T20 Africa Standing Group comprising think tanks from G20 and African countries. During the course of this year, the members of the Standing Group produced the following policy briefings as part of the T20’s contribution to Argentina’s G20 presidency. A summary of recommendations was also presented to the G20 sherpas in May this year.

Kindly find the links to the Africa Standing Group policy briefings below:

SAIIA is also a member of the Global Economic Governance Africa Project, which has produced a number of studies on related topics including e-commerce, infrastructure financing, tax and G20-Africa:

This content features on the G20 Resource Centre.

17 Sep 2018