NJM - Photo- B&W

Njeri Mwagiru

Dr Njeri Mwagiru is Senior Researcher, Futures and Systemic Innovation for the Futures Programme at SAIIA.

Njeri Mwagiru

Dr Njeri Mwagiru is Senior Researcher, Futures and Systemic Innovation for the Futures Programme at SAIIA.

Her research work centers on participatory approaches to systems transformation and focuses on applying foresight to strengthen capabilities of individuals, organisations and governments, to navigate complexity and uncertainty, to realise long-term goals and visions. Njeri has an interdisciplinary academic and research background in education and psychology; equitable development, gender and poverty reduction strategies; international relations, anticipatory governance and leadership; knowledge and decision-making; organizational learning and performance. She has worked in different capacities, contexts and organisations, with diverse professional experience in research and higher education; organizational capacity building; policy planning, strategy development and programme delivery; project ideation, design, management and coordination; evaluation of initiatives for valued business, public sector, and international partners.

Njeri is an editorial board member for the Journal of Awareness Based Systems Change and a regular reviewer for academic publications. She is also a member of the Association of Professional Futurists (APF) and World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF).

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