Tawanda Matema

Tawanda Matema is a former Konrad Adenauer Foundation Scholar at SAIIA.

Tawanda Matema

Tawanda Matema is a former Konrad Adenauer Foundation Scholar at SAIIA.

His research interest is African development, particularly in the areas of poverty alleviation, improving healthcare and embracing information communication technologies. Tawanda has a Bachelors degree in Political Science from the University of Zimbabwe (2014), an Honours degree in Development Studies from the University of the Witwatersrand (2019) and is currently studying for a Masters degree in Development Studies at the same institution.

Research by:

5 May 2021

Optimising Agricultural Value Chains in Southern Africa After COVID-19

11 Jul 2020

Counterfeit pharmaceuticals: A major threat to public health

18 May 2020

Cybercrime and COVID-19: A concern for financial stability during the pandemic

21 Apr 2020

Renewed urgency to implement the African Continental Free Trade Area: How can Africa prepare now?