Climate resilience in developing cities: Msimbazi Basin, Dar es Salaam

A man uses a rubber dinghy to navigate through the flooded Jangwani neighbourhood in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Image: Getty, Daniel Hayduk/AFP
A man uses a rubber dinghy to navigate through the flooded Jangwani neighbourhood in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Image: Getty, Daniel Hayduk/AFP

In Dar es Salaam, the Msimbazi Basin is one of the fastest growing and most rapidly urbanising areas. This, coupled with insufficient service provision, high poverty levels and frequent floods, has a significant impact on the population.


  • Owing to urbanisation pressures and climate change, flood risk in Dar es Salaam is likely to increase over time.
  • Building urban resilience requires a holistic approach to climate adaptation and climate resilience.
  • Developing cities should move away from solely hard-engineering approaches and also invest in nature-based interventions that provide multiple socio-economic and environmental benefits.
  • An in-depth and targeted stakeholder engagement process plays a crucial role in shaping the policy landscape and the strategic prioritisation process.
  • Project packaging and framing have a significant impact on the magnitude and nature of funding that can be obtained. When sourcing funding, there is a need to not only target ‘climate adaptation’ project funding, but to also target ‘socio-economic development’ project funding, particularly for projects that build climate resilience and ensure disaster risk reduction and climate adaption.
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