16 May, 2011
Venue: SRC Chamber, University of Pretoria Conference Centre
Conference Documents:
Reviewing the G-20 Financial Inclusion Agenda (Presentation by Ingrid Goodspeed) [Download.pdf]
The Development Agenda of the G-20 (Presentation by Alan Hirsch) [Download.pdf]
Comparison of Access Strands [Download.pdf]
Time: 09h30 – 15h30
Venue: SRC Chamber, University of Pretoria Conference Centre
To facilitate a frank dialogue, this workshop will take place under the Chatham House Rule, a morally binding convention which allows all or part of a meeting to be held ‘off the record’. In addition ‘Information gleaned under the Chatham House Rule may be reported [if so agreed], but the identity or affiliations of speakers must not be disclosed.’
09h30: 10h00: Registration
10h00-10h15: Welcome
Catherine Grant Makokera, South African Institute of International Affairs
Daniel Bradlow, IDLU, University of Pretoria
10h15-12h30: Panel 1: Progress on the G-20’s Development Agenda
The purpose of this panel is to provide an update on the ‘Seoul Consensus on Development’ since the November Seoul Summit. This ‘Consensus’ was welcomed by many stakeholders for its appropriateness to Africa, as it both addresses Africa’s economic needs and shies away from ‘one size fits all’ approaches to development. However, the agenda was broad requiring refinement, and questions remain about how a narrower agenda would be implemented in relation to the plethora of initiatives concerning African economic development.
Moderator: Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, SAIIA
Speaker: Alan Hirsch, The Presidency
Discussants: Innocent Matshe, African Economic Research Consortium
Peter Wolff, German Development Institute
Richard Gower, Oxfam
12h15-13h15: Lunch
13h15-15h15: Panel 2: Progress on the G-20’s Financial Inclusion Agenda.
The final inclusion agenda is a very important component of development as it aims to create and expand access to financial services for the poor. The Multi-Year Action Plan on Development, developed at the Seoul Summit, envisages the launch of the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), for the effective and efficient actioning of the Financial Inclusion Action Plan. This panel will discuss the progress being made on the financial inclusion agenda in the G-20 and making recommendations going forward.
Moderator: Danny Bradlow, UP
Speaker: Ingrid Goodspeed, National Treasury
Discussants: Gabriel Davel, Alliance for Financial Inclusion
Maya Makanjee, Finmark Trust
15h15-15h30 Concluding remarks