The Chinese government has been taking steps to promote a green economy, while simultaneously taking an active part in international dialogues and negotiations on this issue. However, it is still reluctant to assume mandatory obligations for fear of disturbing its economic development pace.
Following the global upsurge in interest in the green economy, the Mexico G-20 Summit put the issue on the agenda. G-20 members held considerable discussions about the rephrased concept of inclusive green growth, but only a few made substantive commitments. As a consequence of China’s organisational framework impacting on its G-20 participation, as well as its lack of recognition of the relevance of the green economy to the G-20, the country did not devote much attention to the green growth discussions. As a result, it is difficult to assess how the G-20 process interacts with China’s national policies in respect of the green economy. Nevertheless, given the rising domestic acceptance of concepts relating to green economic development, it is likely that China will become more open to international discussions at all levels and more willing to accede to obligations.