The New Development Bank as an advocate of country systems

Image: Flickr, GovernmentZA
Image: Flickr, GovernmentZA

The New Development Bank (NDB) locates the use of country systems (UCS) at the core of its operational policies.

While facilitating infrastructure financing through country systems holds significant financial and non-financial benefits for developing countries, the experiences of other multilateral development banks (MDBs) have highlighted some key challenges: increased risks, weak country systems, questionable commitment of member states to the UCS agenda, procurement challenges and capacity-building constraints. By analysing the NDB’s nascent approach to UCS and drawing on the experiences of traditional MDBs, this briefing offers recommendations to the NDB on how it can strengthen its UCS approach. It also raises pertinent considerations for the NDB, its member countries and others looking to join the bank as it considers expanding its membership.

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