Renewable Technologies in the Global South: A Case Study of Africa

The Global South Climate Network, established by SAIIA, has produced three policy briefings which distil Global South perspectives on climate change, the just transition and the global climate agenda. The Global South Climate Network strives to amplify the Global South’s input into the global climate agenda by showcasing research and insights from partner organisations and experts.

This video captures insights from the ‘Renewable Energy Technologies in the Global South: Insights from Africa’ policy briefing. It presents policy recommendations to develop Africa’s renewable energy capacity and generation. The policy briefing is authored by Dr Humphrey Njogu and Brian Nyaware from the Kenyan Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis

It can be accessed here:

The views expressed in this multimedia are those of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).

19 Aug 2024

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