South African Development Partnership Agency (SADPA): Strategic Aid or Development Packages for Africa?

Photo: Pixabay, bridge
Photo: Pixabay, bridge

The following report is an in-depth analysis commissioned by the South African Institute of International Affairs between 2012 and 2013 that explores South Africa’s past, present and future development assistance to the rest of the continent.

It unpacks South Africa’s development partnership paradigm and the tensions that lie within its various global engagements, its approach to incoming aid and outgoing South–South co-operation. It explores the economic and political drivers and the internal and external forces that affect Pretoria’s international development policy, and the comparative advantage that South Africa possesses as a development partner in Africa.

The report explains the rationale for the establishment of the South African Development Partnership Agency (SADPA), its various stages of evolution, and the institutional challenges that are currently present in the co-ordination of diverse domestic stakeholders engaged in development activities throughout Africa. It provides insight into the envisioned functions of SADPA, its potential financing, implementation and oversight mechanisms. It concludes with an analysis of the effectiveness and quality of South Africa’s development co-operation with the continent, and recommendations for the future of SADPA’s operations. The report is the result of extensive interviews with numerous local and international stakeholders and review of the existing literature from various South African authors.

The views expressed in this publication/article are those of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).