External research on Chinese lending to Africa

SAIIA is proud to be a repository of research on Chinese lending to Africa, produced by the US-based China-Africa Research Initiative. This research aims to enhance the understanding of the economic and political dimensions of China-Africa relations.

China-Africa Relations

What kinds of Chinese ‘Geese’ are flying to Africa? Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms

China-Africa Relations

Chinese Manufacturing Moves to Rwanda: A Study of Training at C&H Garments

China-Africa Relations

The risks and Rewards of Resource—for Infrastructure Deals: Lessons from the Congo’s Sicomines Agreement

China-Africa Relations

China-Britain-Uganda: Trilateral Development Cooperation in Agriculture

China-Africa Relations

Work, Employment, and Training through Africa-China Cooperation Zones: Evidence from the Eastern Industrial Zone in Ethiopia

China-Africa Relations

Chinese Manufacturing Moves to Rwanda: A Study of Training at C&H Garments

China-Africa Relations

The East Africa Shift in Textile and Apparel Manufacturing: China-Africa Strategies and AGOA’s Influence

China-Africa Relations

What Kinds of Chinese ‘Geese’ Are Flying to Africa? Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms

China-Africa Relations

Silk Road to the Sahel: African Ambitions in China’s Belt and Road Initiative

China-Africa Relations

The Risks and Rewards of Resource—for—Infrastructure Deals: Lessons from the Congo’s Sicomines Agreement

China-Africa Relations

Comparing the Determinants of Western and Chinese Development Finance Flows to Africa

China-Africa Relations

The Path Ahead: The 7th Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

China-Africa Relations

China’s Involvement in South Africa’s Wind and Solar PV Industries

China-Africa Relations

We Are Not so Different: A Comparative Study of Employment Relations at Chinese and American Firms in Kenya

China-Africa Relations

Creating a Market for Skills Transfer: A Case Study of AVIC International’s Skills Transfer Programs in Kenya

China-Africa Relations

African Politics Meets Chinese engineers: The Chinese-built Standard Gauge Railway Project in Kenya and East Africa

China-Africa Relations

Diffusing Chinese Rice Technology in Rural Tanzania: Lessons from the Dakawa Agro—Technology Demonstration Center

China-Africa Relations

We Are Not So different: A Comparative Study of Employment Relations at Chinese and American firms in Kenya