The debates in Cape Verde (14-15 October) were very useful and successful and allowed us to move forward with the Political Dialogue Report please see a summary of the meeting and a description as Side Event to the Summit.
Two publications have been produced:
The PDR – Beyond Development Aid – analyses the main constrains and opportunities for engaging in a more strategic dialogue and partnership between the two continents. It focuses on what have been the outcomes of the political dialogue between the two continents in the period between Summits (2008-2010) and discusses relevant issues that impact upon both regions and on their partnership, namely on the areas of peace and security, global governance, trade and regional integration, and climate change. A leaflet is also issued, to allow for more quick reading and the dissemination of key messages: “Agenda for Action” explores which upcoming opportunities and common agenda can be envisaged for the near future, in light of the written contributions hereby published and the debates held all along this process.