Community Engagement in Chinese and American Gold Mining Companies: A Comparative Case Study in Ghana

Image: Flickr, Fairphone
Image: Flickr, Fairphone

One of the primary concerns regarding Chinese investments in extractive industries in Africa is the impact they have on local communities.

This report presents the results of field research examining local engagement by a Chinese company and an American company operating in Ghana. Golden Sunshine Mining Company Ltd., a large-scale Chinese gold mining company, is a relatively young company, and is just starting to venture into the world of corporate social responsibility. It relies on local expertise in its engagement with the local community, and so far it has had a limited impact on local labor recruitment. Meanwhile, Newmont Ghana Gold Limited, an American company that has operated in Ghana for over ten years, has developed a robust local governance structure for supporting community development projects. Although locals seem to expect this level of effort from mining companies, Golden Sunshine does not prioritize community development.

The views expressed in this publication/article are those of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).

1 Jan 2017