Ebola has fast become the most talked-about health threat in the world, killing an estimated ten thousand people in nine countries to date. What emergency health response lessons can we learn from this epidemic, particularly for developing countries?
We ambushed SAIIA programme co-ordinator Erica Penfold in the SAIIA kitchen, and asked her for a 90-second breakdown of the epidemic and how Southern Africa might better prepare for threats such as Ebola.
More about SAIIA’s Health Work
- Ebola and Cultures of Engagement: Chinese Versus Western Health Diplomacy, article by Erica Penfold and Pieter Fourie
- Health for all: a pro-poor human rights approach, article by Erica Penfold
- Global Eradication of Poverty Day: What can regional associations do? article by Erica Penfold and Nicola Yeates
- Poverty Reduction and Regional Integration: The role of Health Policy, an overview of the Poverty Reduction and Regional Integration Project (PRARI)