The China-Africa Project, which began its activities in 2007, has produced a number of country-based analyses on several African countries, as well as sectoral analyses in telecommunications, finance, agriculture, resources, development assistance and special economic zones. The publications seek to contribute to a better understanding of China’s overall strategy in Africa, assessing its impact on development and governance on the continent.
The country-specific studies, rather than simply being a set of sectoral studies of Chinese investments in particular economies, provide a context-sensitive and comprehensive analysis of how these various sectors contribute to economic growth and development; their political economies, especially vis-à-vis foreign service providers; and the role the Chinese are playing in these sectors. The studies are underpinned by the idea that increased trade in services between China and Africa is poorly understood, but also potentially extremely beneficial to recipient African countries (unlike, perhaps, investments and trade in natural resources) if used effectively as leverage for broader economic development.
AVAILABLE DOWNLOADS [.pdf] Policy Briefings: The Zambia–China Cooperation Zone at a Crossroads: What Now? The Evolving Nature of Chinese Telecommunications Investment in the DRC Chinese Banking Interests in Mozambique China and Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Africa: The Case of Sudan
Occasional Papers:
Understanding China’s Agricultural Investments in Africa Nigeria and the BRICs: Diplomatic, Trade, Cultural and Military Relations To Bélinga or not to Bélinga? China’s Evolving Engagement in Gabon’s Mining Sector The Sicomines Agreement: Change and Continuity in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s International Relations Chinese Economic and Trade Co-operation Zones in Africa: The Case of Mauritius China’s Overseas Foreign Direct Investment Risk: 2008–2009