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Daniel Bradlow

Daniel D. Bradlow is a part-time G20 Senior Fellow at SAIIA, where his research focuses on the finance track of the G20 and related Think20 issues.

Daniel Bradlow

Daniel D. Bradlow is a part-time G20 Senior Fellow at SAIIA, where his research focuses on the finance track of the G20 and related Think20 issues.

He is a Professor/Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Advancement of Scholarship, University of Pretoria; Compliance Officer in the Social and Environmental Compliance Unit of the United Nations Development Programme; co-chair of the Academic Circle, advising UN Special Rapporteur on Right to Development; and Professor Emeritus, American University Washington College of Law.

Daniel was previously the South African Research Chair Initiative (SARCHI) Professor of International Development Law and African Economic Relations at the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria. He has also served as Head of the International Economic Relations and Policy Department of the South African Reserve Bank, Chair of the Roster of Experts for the Independent Review Mechanism of the African Development Bank, and consultant to numerous international organisations.

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