SADC e-Mobility Scenarios: Pathways beyond the ICE Age

Kenya traffic. Image: Getty, Tony Karumba
Kenya traffic. Image: Getty, Tony Karumba

In preparing this report, SAIIA’s Futures programme brought together a number of industry experts, government representatives, academics and thinkers using a scenarios-building methodology to explore the implications of the roll-out of EVs in the SADC region.


The exercise explored the key certainties and uncertainties that the region faces in adopting EVs and the development of enabling supportive infrastructure. The scenarios provide insights into plausible, probable futures taking current development trajectories into account. More importantly they offer pathways to preferable EV futures for the SADC region.

The views expressed in this publication/article are those of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).