China-Britain-Uganda: Trilateral Development Cooperation in Agriculture

Against the broader context of donor pluralism, trilateral development cooperation (TDC) has received renewed interest within development policy circles, with supporters arguing that TDC reflects the changing geographies of aid and helps to forge new, more equitable global development partnerships.

Debt trap? Chinese loans and Africa’s development options

Africa’s growing public debt has sparked a renewed global debate about debt sustainability on the continent. This is largely owing to the emergence of China as a major financier of African infrastructure, resulting in a narrative that China is using debt to gain geopolitical leverage by trapping poor countries in unsustainable loans.

Work, Employment, and Training Through Africa China Cooperation Zones: Evidence from the Eastern Industrial Zone in Ethiopia

This working paper investigates the developmental impacts of Ethiopia’s Eastern Industrial Zone (EIZ), with a particular focus on local employee experiences of working for, training with, and learning from resident companies. As an emerging mode of Africa-China cooperation, the promotion of Chinese special economic zones (SEZs) has attracted much academic and media attention.

BRICS: Getting to grips with the drivers and dividers

The 10th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg is now behind us. It occurred on the back of a few years of significant domestic economic and political changes among some of the BRICS and diverging national interests. Critics of the bloc will rightly point out these challenges and divergences, but often neglect that in some areas the BRICS have converging interests which have cemented their cooperation.

Exploring the role of China, Japan and India in the East Africa Blue Economy

This paper examines the role of China, Japan and India in East African development, focusing specifically on Kenya and Tanzania. Of particular concern is the regional Blue Economy, which encompasses economic, social and environmental concerns related to maritime industries and, according to the approach adopted by the African Union, also inland water bodies.

The BRICS in a multipolar world

This week, South Africa will host the tenth annual gathering of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa).